Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Journey

All right, so here we go…

We bid farewell to Capitol Hill and to apartment dwelling on Saturday, with an unceremonious loading of truck and friends’ cars. No more neon cat, no more drunken yelling or BB gun firing at 3 in the morning, no more drug deals from the apartment building across the street, no more police preparing a triangulation of cross fire just outside the building.

At least one would hope…

The whole thing is still a bit overwhelming. It’s overwhelming and surreal. And yeah, I know, oh poor you, living in a house must be such a heartache. But seriously, I’m out of sorts and waiting for things to sort of fall into place with a resounding, but reassuring, thud.

At one point on Saturday, Dougie Wagner came over with his son. He and his wife had just moved to a place not terribly far from our place. We stood in the back yard, drinking a beer and listening to kids running and crying and I looked at the reflection of my tired face in his tired face. “How did this happen?” I asked him. “We used to be drunken idiots, we used to go play video games in a North Beach arcade during our lunch break… I did not see this coming.”

And I think some of the fuzzy, this doesn’t feel real aspect of this whole thing is tied to this sense that I’m in a show. There’s this moment that happens in my mind before I come onto a stage that I sort of visualize as jumping onto the back of a tiger. It’s this idea that you’re about to throw yourself into a situation and the only chance you have is to just ride it to the end with everything you’ve got.

And so the journey continues, on a new trail I didn’t see back where I was – there’s so many of these new trails poppin’ my way lately. Always a tiger to ride, always riding with everything I got.

And super special thanks to the rock stars who came on force to help with the move, we owe you more than that pizza and beer. We can talk about forms of reimbursement later…

I’m hoping some normality will return to the proceedings when there’s a computer to use, or I can find things like my pants.

Song Stuck In My Head Right Now: The theme from “All In The Family” has been floating around up there for days, and I cannot say why; creepy and annoying.

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