Thursday, March 31, 2005

Bathroom Etiquette, Part 1

I just went to wash my hands in the work men's room and found this guy at the sink, all lathered up and shaving. He also brushes his teeth a lot in the bathroom sink, which I can deal with, but somehow shaving there just seems like too intimate an activity. Granted, he's not staring at himself in the mirror and making porno star faces while he rubs one out, but it still seems just as inappropriate.

And I guess I could sort of understand if he were a consummate, on-the-go business man who just didn't have time to shave. Or if he were a late night party boy needing to eradicate all traces of dried vodka gimlets from his tired face. Or if he were homeless... But he is none of these things. What he is, is in love with this company. Seriously, if possible and legal in a state or two he would marry and mate with this company, constantly holding hands with it even while riding the bus where he would smile dreamily and the company would look furtively from side to side, just waiting for the perfect time to escape his smothering love.

So in that light, I guess it makes sense that he wants to shave here within the echoing, tiled walls of the 4th floor men's room; sharing a morning ritual with his lover.

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