Friday, February 08, 2008

Goin' Southbound

Hey all,

I'm finally doing something I had always intended to do before - post with a good buzz on.

What makes this one a little weird is that I am currently at my parents' house in Phoenix, doing twosies on a shot of Bud Light.

Tomorrow (man that took a lot of times to type correctly) we head to Mexico. What I did not realize until we arrived here in Arizona, is that my father and I will be spending the night in Hermasillo after picking up my brother and his Costa Rican wife at the airport there. Apparently it's harder to get a visa to enter the (again, that one took multiple times to type and it's 3 friggin letters) states than it is is to see a good example of Paris' acting abilities.

Anyway, I'm off for a week, drinkin it up beach style in a rented house in Mexico. Feelin' the need for a break big time.

Feb(r)uary Song Of The Day: As I have not been to Mexico since the 80's, I'm going to leave you with a weekful of 80's treasures -
"Nothing To Fear (But Fear Itself)" by Oingo Boingo
"(Don't Go Back To) Rockville" by R.E.M.
"(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding" by Elvis Costello and the Attractions
"(Nothing But) Flowers" by Talking Heads
"(White Man) In Hammersmith Palais" by The Clash (for the love of Jesus with the "j" as an "h", don't take (that one took a lot of attempts as well) these all at once, spread 'em out over the week.)

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