Friday, February 01, 2008


Welcome to February, the freak month, the odd duck month, the “one of these kids is doing his own thing” month.

It’s a month that has fewer days and an extra “r” to make up for it. Seriously, that “r” after the “b” makes me nervous, it makes me feel like a secret agent in there, perhaps a secret agent that has forgotten its cover and no longer realizes that it’s a secret agent.

Not long ago, we were having a discussion about music, and Kimberly let it be known that she doesn’t like song titles with a parenthetical in it. The example that she gave was “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction”. She really doesn’t like it. I really don’t have a feeling about it one way or the other, but I can say that I love me a good parenthetical. I feel like I can’t get through a day without using a parenthetical. I feel a parenthetical is like a rabbit hole in a sentence (sometimes a dirty little rabbit hole (sometimes a clean one, but those don’t always amuse me)). And when I see things like that, sly little parenthesis stacked up against each other at the end of a sentence, it reminds me of good things like a conservative falling from grace, they remind of Falwell’s tears which makes me smile and smile.

So in honor of Kimberly’s dislike for parenthesis in a song title, in honor of a month that I feel should have a parenthesis in it, I bring you the:

Feb(r)uary Song Of The Day: “2+2=5 (The Lukewarm)” by Radiohead (When I brought up to Kimberly that all the songs on Hail To The Thief had two titles, one in parenthesis, she found this particularly irksome).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like the word irk..I reaally like irksome.