Okay, so while we were in rehearsals for the show, the director was taking notes. This means, for any non-theater types, that the director literally writes down things that we screwed up on, or occasionally things that we did very well. During rehearsals, you could occasionally hear our director scribbling furiously on her yellow legal pad (and she uses both sides of the sheet which for some reason endeared me to her all the more) and I would think to myself – “what did I just fuck up?”
It wasn’t always about me, a lesson I still need to learn sometimes. But one time it was. The director’s boyfriend sat next to her during one of our dress rehearsals and at one point grabbed the pad from her, wrote something quickly and gave it back. When rehearsal was done and we sat around the director to hear what she had to say, she stopped for a moment, a questioning look on her face, and said, “Hector grabbed the pad from me and wrote something…”
Her eyes cleared and she looked up directly at me, a slight smile on her face. “He wrote, ‘hold steady’.”
I was about to ask her what the hell it was Hector was talking about.
“Do you know the band The Hold Steady?” she asked.
“Heard of them, but don’t know anything about them.”
“You look exactly like the lead singer; exactly.”
Sure I do, I thought a bit sarcastically. But the following day Hector brought in a magazine with the band on the cover, and low and behold… There was a striking resemblance. I actually thought it was fairly awesome that there could be a lead singer of a band that looked like me:

On searching online pictures at work the next day, I was beginning to get a little weirded out. The guy looks a lot like me. If I didn’t know better, I would think that ma and pa had sold off a twin sibling for some hot dogs and PBR back in the day. If I didn’t know better, I would think that some of the pictures found were actually me. Such as:

I have the same effing guitar!
I went home and started pulling up pictures for Bif to see, to share the freak funk I was wallowing in. As I sat at the computer, I shit you not, the KEXP DJ took that exact moment to play a track from The Hold Steady. It really freaked Bif out, but I was more dealing with the fact that I could be scoring beers in this guy’s name.
Then “Where Is My Mind?” by the Pixies came up next. It still felt apropos to the moment, but this time I was more inclined to sing along.
Zeptember songs of the day: “The Song Remains The Same” followed up by the bombastic blues of Zep 1’s “How Many More Times”.
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