Saturday, April 23, 2005

Marlin Perkins Rides Again

This morning I was tagged for a “dangerous mission”. Apparently there was a seagull trapped in a stairwell between the banister and the glass which I’m assuming keeps stair-climbers from being pelted by rain. Dave saw him when coming in from the parking lot, said his wing was messed up and the poor guy was freaked out. The bird was freaked out, not Dave. Well, actually Dave was a little shaken up as well.

Sure enough, said gull was spazzing out trying to figure out why he couldn’t get out of this space and got more agitated the closer we got to him. I wrapped a sweater around my hand so as not to get Tippi Hedren’d and tried to push him out over the banister. Not digging that action, the bird (who I’ll call Jamie) moved away from me and closer to a place where we could reach over him. Dave tossed the sweater down over him (which immediately calmed his happy ass down, again the bird, not Dave. But actually Dave seemed a little more sedate then too.) and I wrapped Jamie up in it and pulled him out. We took him quickly to the roof of the parking lot and set him free.

We watched as Jamie flew away towards the rising sun. Dave cried a little bit and we walked hand in hand back to the office knowing we’d done our part for the greater good.

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