Saturday, April 30, 2005

The PC Brigade Can Lick My Balls

Once in class I got into a huge fight about political correctness. I mean it didn’t come to blows or anything, but the TA did have to throw his water in my face to calm me down. I hate the political correctness movement. I think that political correctness is the most insidious form of mind control possible. By attempting to change the way we talk, changing the very way we communicate… it’s fascism ladies and gentleman.

And yeah I get the point, but attempting to eradicate hateful language does not make hateful feelings go away. In my opinion, by hiding these words under a veneer of forced respectability we just make them that much more powerful and dangerous when misused by some loathsome fucker.

What I’m doing here good people, is doing my best to keep it a little dirty, just a little bit raunchy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
