Thursday, November 01, 2007

Pet Peeves

Something that drives me crazy? Something that makes me practically shake with rage as if I were prone to seizures, or blowing a load in my pants? Something I feel I must vent into the ether rather than carry around today like an anger tumor, growing larger as the hours go until I am finally forced to hit something with something else; preferably something with serrated edges (the hitter, not the hitee)?

People’s sense of self entitlement.

Case in point: I am listening to some recorded customer calls, scoring customer relations reps, on graduated scale, on the amount of fake empathy in their voices when I come across this woman. I’ve spoken to this woman before, thousands of times. I don’t mean literally of course, but she shares a voice and attitude with way too many Americans who feel it necessary to dial that 1 (800) number that most consumers would spend their lives ignoring. She sounds like she has been smoking Pall Mall’s since about the age of 3, she sounds like if she could fuck sarcasm she would, she sounds like someone whom you would reserve the C word for – and this time C is not for cookie, thank you very much Mr. Monster comma Cookie. So this woman, whose ilk I’ve been forced to listen to way too many times, is complaining about being told that she couldn’t bring her puppy into a store.

Bringing a dog into a video store, where they supply treats, sure I’ll go for it. But dogs do not belong in a restaurant. I don’t wanna hear about how clean your dog is, I do not care to discuss how much a part of your family this animal is, it’s against health codes and if you feel that your dog has to go wherever you do, than you have bigger issues than the way people ask you not to enter a store with your dog.

I’m sure there are dog owners out there who disagree with me and I’m going to have to say I don’t give a rat’s ass; I do not bring my screaming infant to see Saw IV, or walk him into a bar – it’s not appropriate!

And this woman, this tar clogged, self righteous whore has the right to actually say the words, “I feel entitled to free” dot, dot, dot. A person was standing up to your inappropriate behavior, enforcing the health code, and you feel like you entitled to free stuff.

And I guess what really makes me furious is that I’m in a position to supervise the coddling of these retards.

Hell truly is other people.


Anonymous said...

Retards? You mean Freetards.

Dave said...

Oh, that shit just chaps my ass too. My ass is now thoroughly chapped. Just from reading that story. It is so chapped, I may not be able to sit down for the rest of the day. Bitch, there are children starving to death in Bangladesh, and you just spent sixty dollars on a raincoat and booties for your labradoodle? Die in a fire, lady.

Anonymous said...

Fucktards - that's what they are.