Yesterday, a coworker asked how I was doing. And while I don’t remember the exact, sarcastic reply, it was a fairly common bumper stickerism. I realized this as I was saying it and pointed out that I do in fact gauge myself by information that bumper stickers give me. I told her that I was also imagining whirled peas, that not all who wander are lost, and that my other car was a broom.
I almost told her that my child was an honor student at Grass Lake Elementary, but she would not have bought that, knowing that my child has a vocabulary of about 5 words (6 if you count when he leaves the “L” sound out of “clock”).
It made me sort of focus on bumper stickers for the last twenty-four hours; which in itself is strange, as I start to lose interest in most things after about 3 ½ minutes. But on my way in to work this morning, I was taken for a moment by a license plate frame. The top portion said “Yea I’m A Bitch” and the bottom portion I skipped on as I figured the cleverness quotient wasn’t going to rank high enough to stop my stride. I’m under the assumption that this witticism ended with something along the lines of “So Deal With It” or “But I’m Super Fine” or “But So Is Your Mom”.
I’m also under the assumption that this particular bitch meant for the engraver to put “yeah” and not “yea”. I’m assuming there was no grand bitch vote and that the yea’s took it.
Which then reminded me of something kc! had sent to me. He sent a link that had a picture of Built To Spill lyrics tattooed on a young woman’s body. Again, they’re being thrown around all willy-nilly here, assumptions that is, but I’m assuming it was a young woman – the young part that is, the shape of the body made it fairly certain it was a woman. Now I love me some Built To Spill, I mean I do, if it were legal for me to marry Built To Spill and settle down and have a whole mess of children (that I would name Bill To Spill) then I would do it. What I would not do is have a line of lyrics tattooed to my body – but that’s me.
What I really wouldn’t do, is have the incorrect lyrics tattooed to my body. I mean I know that “sum” and “sun” sound a lot alike, but I would recommend that before going in under the needle for a few hours and having something permanently added to your body, you go over the lyric sheet once or twice just to make sure you’ve got it right.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
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1 comment:
oh my gosh, are you serious the lyrics were wrong? I, being the ignoramus as your quite well know, do not listen to BTS but just forwarded the link out of sheer gut reflex (or something that makes more sense but is remarkably similar to said reflex).
Then again, we all tattoo things for different reasons, and maybe it isn't a BTS lyric, but another completely different sentence that just happens to be ALMOST exactly that same line?
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