Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Dating Wars

I was listening to Rachel talk about getting back into the Thunderdome that is dating. She mentioned that she got really comfortable just wearing jeans and drinking beers

– this is a completely unnecessary break, but typing that sentence just above started this déjà vu type, misfired memory connection thing. It was like I had had the same conversation before. Crazy. Anyway, we rejoin Billy Cleans His Plate, uninterrupted –

at the bar and stuff, and now she was a little concerned with having to be all girly. I mentioned that since I had moved here to Seattle, I was shocked at how done up women got when they went out. A lot of makeup, a lot.

It reminds me of flying into Dallas and upon the captain announcing that we would be landing momentarily, all of the women with big hair began breaking out their compacts and make up, just to add to the 2 inches of cosmetic skin already there.

I told Rachel that I’ve never really been into women wearing so much freaking makeup, that it freaks me out a little bit. She said:

“Yeah, but your from the Bay Area. Guys here say the same thing, but the women they stare at? The ones with all the makeup. The ones they ask out for dates? The ones with all the makeup.”

I wish I could stand up for my fellow sex, but I have to admit that generally speaking, guys are dumb. I began to realize that guys are just as easily duped into what society deems is beautiful as girls are into forcing themselves into unhealthy body images. I began to realize that for the most part, guys date ladies that will make them seem more impressive because they bagged the girls that look most like the ones on TV and in Maxim.

And who are these guys trying to impress? Other guys.


Anonymous said...

speaking of impressing other guys:

go here

Anonymous said...

wait wait! not there. here!


man. technology.

Anonymous said...