Thursday, August 04, 2005

Mad Leo Love and Curse of the Dad

I’m feeling the guilt of fulfilling the prophecy of the absentee husband that my father was. My dad was rarely around when we were kids, he traveled a lot for work. And even when he wasn’t traveling he spent a huge amount of time at the office. I told myself that was not the life I wanted for myself, I would not want to put my wife or kids through that.

Well, today is Biff’s Birthday and I’m going to miss it. I’ve got another killer Thursday where I’m pulling an 11 hour day at work, going straight from work to rehearsal for show #2, and then going straight from rehearsal to a performance of show #1.

I’ve been spending a lot of time away from home doing the whole play thing. Biff’s been really supportive, but there’s my dad’s voice in the background saying, “see, you can’t hide from it! Hahahaha!”

Actually, dad doesn’t laugh like that, so I’m not sure who is hacking in there and cackling.

Anyway, Happy Birthday Biffy! I love you a lot. If any of you see a hot little number cruising the streets of Seattle today tell her to have a good one, she deserves it – she’s a super lady.

And be sure to spank her a little too – she likes it.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Bifferoo! I was going to call you last night, then I remembered that I always call you the night before you special day, mistaking the 3rd for the 4th and opted to not call.

But I betcha you could tell I was thinking about you.
(No, not that way, you sick pervert.)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the Invisible Man had problems with being an absentee father?

Anonymous said...

I think the Invisible Man has bigger friggin problems.

Besides, as long as he keeps wrapped in gauze his kids should be happy.

Kids were so easily entertained back then...

Anonymous said...

The proper term for us is "theater widows". Oh, the loneliness.