Sunday, November 26, 2006

Hey Critter

On the day that you were due to be born, Mandy ran her first marathon. She rocked it like star she is.

We also got our first snowfall of the winter in Seattle. I had a nice couple of minutes walking through it to the store to get an eggplant. Apparently eggplant has something in it that can help getting labor started. We'll see how the eggplant parmesan works tonight.

It's time to come out, there's a lot of folks who can't wait to meet you.

No!vember song of the day: Ain't No Right by Janes Addiction and No One Else by Weezer.


mandy said...

dear critter...
im one of those people, and i lack patience... stop dillydallying. there are so many bad things i want to teach you!

Anonymous said...

I'm choosing to believe the critter snuck a game boy in there and is about to reach the omega level in Tetris.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what about now? anything?

what about now? anything?

what about now?


Anonymous said...

as of 2:10 11/27/2006
no baby

Anonymous said...

i think you need a little critter fritter baby frog blog...
and your first posts should be a countdown to blast off!

Unknown said...

have some whisky, beth.

for real.

eggplant. sheesh.


does it matter if critter's drunk when it comes out?

Bud said...

I hear sex helps to induce labor. Go for it, kids!

mandy said...

i hear your mom helps to induce labor.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The critter is going to read this when it is 10 years old, looking back on the day it was supposed to be born, and think that it's parents were complete bozos.... then again it will have probably met us all by then and already know...

"mommy? your friends are weeeeird"

Anonymous said...

snow in seattle...the gods are angry they have to release this one into the physical world. great are those born out of special circumstances.