Thursday, January 04, 2007

For Rosier Rose Quartz

The walk home last night was such a light affair, I'm pretty sure my ipod loves me. The random selection last night was so full of pop song goodness that I was healed by music.

The cold, Sound-scented wind blew through me and I walked with one of those irrepressible smiles that a battalion of nail guns to my shins couldn't stop. I saw all of the beautiful girls with life alight in their eyes, all the beautiful boys with weary smiles and all those darn hoodies. And bless you John Darnielle for making Oceanographer's Choice that sort of song that just gets me worked up for reasons I am so not able to explain.

I finally began to believe the words that I have thrown out so willy nilly before; that things will always work out.

Later, as I attempted to latch onto some sleep, I think I invented a memory about an add in comic books regarding delivering a newspaper called Drit. So much interrupted sleep, so many dreams crippled just as they were getting interesting.

I awoke at last from a dream where I was quietly attending some sort of class full of women, but this class turned into a show ala "The View". David Duchovny entered and began to explain, without a hint of irony, how to keep your geodes safe when washing them in a dishwasher.

This, of course, involves wrapping your geode in bubble wrap and then placing all of that inside a dishwasher safe pitcher

When I gave a sort of "what the hell is David Duchovny doing here telling me how to wash my geodes in a dishwasher" sort of comment, a very annoying, middle aged woman turned to me and said, "oh, like you don't have any geodes". Except she pronounced it 'zeodes'

I don't have any geodes, or zeodes, but I didn't get the chance to tell her that because I woke up.

As I went into the bathroom and went through my morning rituals, my mind continued to try to annoy me with hateful thoughts of people who bolster their identities through brand names. I managed to fight it off though with a lingering question...

What were those housewives doing with their geodes that would get them so dirty?


Anonymous said...

I remember when I was a kid and loved the crap out of geodes. I wanted to shrink down to ant-size and just go exploring in that awesome colorful half domed cavern.

mandy said...

my friend had a purple geode. i coveted that thing and came pretty darn close to stealing it.