Monday, July 11, 2005

Tired and Rainy Days

I gotta admit it, there’s a large part of me that’s a homebody. While there is definitely a part that wants to go out and get seriously crazy with people who will put up with me in that state – a lot of times I would just like to sit my happy ass at home.

When I was younger this upset me. I felt anti-social. I felt like a crank.

I’ve come to realize that I don’t necessarily hate humanity, and I’m not an old man who doesn’t want to shake his booty from time to time. Sometimes I just like a little me time.

And while the wild days and nights of adventure and debauchery get remembered and noted, I gotta tell you that some of my favorite days are having breakfast and coffee with Biff, then climbing on the couch together to nap and watch cheesy movies all day.

That shit’s the freaking best!


Anonymous said...

dudes, would you kindly come over for a visit? i had a dream about beth last night!that proves the gravity of my plea!
you could sleep on our couch bed. it probably doesn't have scabies!!!!

feeling lonely and not in a sexy way,

Anonymous said...

Was it a sexy dream?