For those of you who may not be Star Wars (or Return of the Jedi) fans out there, Ewoks were easily marketed, Teddy Bear creatures that helped the rebel alliance take out a shield generator so that the new Death Star could be destroyed what with the Emperor on it and everything. They looked like this:

The definitive answer to the above question is this; not cool. I don't care what reasoning you come up with, you are wrong if you think otherwise.
Honestly when these cuddlies first show up, I check out of the movie... to vomit. And frankly, while I'm talking all honest and Star Wars with ya, I'm done with Return of the Jedi after the whole Jabba episode. It's not a great movie, is it?
The original plan was a planet of wookies. A planet of Chewbaccas people! That would have been cool with a loud and resounding OOL!
You know what else would have been cool? A planet of flesh eating rabbit people would have been cool. But few kids like to sleep with stuffed, carnivorous, rabbit-men.
ill see your ewok and raise you a deluxe directors edition dvd of the cutting edge.
For someone who seems so sweet, you have a core of pure, fucking evil!
Ewoks were cool. I don't fucking care who thinks otherwise. I want little Wicket as a squeeky crafty pet. More intelligent than a cat, yet less crafty than a gremlin.
Unfortunately, the action figured never quite lived up to the on-screen characters... unlike Luke and D.V. with their stiff-arm, action lightsabers built right in.
More than the Ewoks, I just wanted to live in their fucking village! That shit was DOPE!
see kc! you ARE a hippie!
kc! Teddy Bears! Granted, Teddy Bears that were getting ready to BBQ up some Han Solo and that whiney bitch of Jedi, Luke, but frigging Teddy Bears!
Not cool!
Robotic tree frogs that shot lasers out their waterproof asses everytime they hopped? Effing cool!
Mandy, I have been called worse things, and while I could easily blend in to a commune (if I tried hard enough and shopped at the right stores), I am definately NOT a filthy hippie. Bill, testify...
And while I am directing my comment at Bill... what is more evil and crafty than a unassuming teddy bear? Deep down underneath all that cute fuzziness, lies the mind of a killer. (
kc! is definitely not a hippy, though the continued hippy bashing does bring to mind the idea that most homophobes are secretly gay...
I was a little surprised for his love of the Ewok village though. The younger kc! I remember hated the outdoors much like I hate Ewoks.
Seriously, empty strawberry yogurt containers that walked and carried sharpened sporks, re-fucking-diculously cool.
OOOOoooooh, SNAP!
While I could easily pass for a hippie on any given day--seeing that I enjoy loose fitting clothing and have very lazy grooming habits--I much prefer solid colors; jam-bands just aren't my thing; computers are totally sweet; and camping is lame.
And it is not that I hate the outdoors, as much as I just prefer it to stay outside, on the other side of my window... where I don't have to interact with it.
As for the Ewok village, I think that it was more conceptually cool than anything else. I never wanted to live in the trees... I just wanted a super nice tree house... something secretly hidden up in the air. Which really doesn't make sense when you know that I am seriously afraid of heights too.
You know, when you think about it, Ewoks are really, just mini-hippies. Wildly hairy, living in the trees, and loving to party around a drum circle... except that they didn't smell, and could actually hold a beat.
Hey, yall! Now there's a website that lets you combine your love of wookies AND hippies. It's win-win!
You all are hippies.
kc! ar eyou burning incense and listening to bob marley on your itunes?
you can admit it. youre among friends. we will embrace you... like the true hippies we are.
i know for a fact that kc! likes at least one greateful dead song...i'm just saying.
kyle, your mom's a hippie.
Yeah, I like the one Dead song which every hippie adamantly hates. But then again, I probably only like it because they always played it on Mtv after Yo! Mtv Raps.
Mandy, strangely, I did have an inclination to burn incense this weekend for the frist time in years, however, I was too busy re-arranging my decorative crystals after my yoga class before I went shopping at Whole Foods to actually bother.
Oh, I forgot to tell you! This weekend while going through my storage unit, I found my plastic Ewok village action figure playset. Some pieces are broken or missing, but I remember really loving that particular play environment for my Star Wars action figurines.
( looks something like this:
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