When I started writing stuff on the internet, it was to do snarky film reviews. I'm sort of battling myself today in that I want to jump into my reviewer roots, but for some reason my mind is telling me not to.
I will say that Little Miss Sunshine is absolutely worth seeing. I was a little wary in parts as some characters seemed a little too quirky. It's like screenwriters have gotten the idea that indie films need to have forced characters with odd character traits; much like every band post Nevermind discovered the distortion peddle all over again. There were also moments of jokes and payoffs that seemed a little too sitcommy at first, but somehow the movie manages to wrangle it all in and make it work. It's bittersweet, it's funny, it's filled with fantastic performances.

And, as if I needed another reason to, it makes me heart Steve Carell all the more. And Toni Collette, every time I see her in something it knocks me out.
There’s one slight problem with this movie. Ever since seeing it this weekend, I have had Little Miss Can't Be Wrong by The Spin Doctors stuck in my head.

Back when outrageous and impromptu acts of rage were all the fashion in my place of living, roommate Corado went on a rant in regards to The Spin Doctors. He hated them, he didn't need a reason, we decided to hate bands and films and types of food on a whim. To give a visual representation of his hatred, Corado picked up a Spin Doctors CD in one hand and punched it to pieces with the other. While it was a shocking bit of viciousness, it was also effing hilarious to see these plastic shards flying everywhere.
I later used the gas stovetop to melt and warp a copy of Catching Up With Depeche Mode.
I always liked Little Miss Can't Be Wrong because I didn't understand a fucking thing they were saying. Plus it made me dance like a white girl.
As for Little Miss Sunshine, I didn't think the characters were all that quirky. To me, they seemed to be the run-of-the-mill kind of folks that I know. Okay, at least the Alan Arkin character. And the little girl. And Toni Collette. The other 3 seemed like people I've met before, but exagerrated versions. They did pull it off, though.
I'm glad you and the girl finally went to see a movie. S'nice. Love your new profile photo by the way. Totally makes me wanna do some Mad Libs with you.
Funny, I was about to write off that movie with a quickness. In fact, I already did. "Shannon-movie" I said to myself and dumped it into my mental trash can. But anything Bill likes, is worth a look.
Oh and speaking of movies... apparently Spiderman 3 was filmed in my new building. To bad no one saw that movie or else everyone would know where I live.
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