Friday, September 01, 2006

Two Worlds, One Bar

Aaron was up to the bar at The Golden Calf, down on 7th and Addison. The newly pressed white, linen suit still shone brightly in the dim light of the seedy bar. He was in one of those glorious states that was all smiles and deep south charms towards the bartender; that was until Madeline walked in.

Madeline was a head case that dogged him all around town, in a variety of different bars. They had this odd sort of antagonistic, sibling relationship and he couldn't really remember when and where they had met. Madeline constantly smelled blood when she inhaled, had an addiction to Pez. She had this strange form of tourette's where she would randomly spout off lines from the movie Grease.

She sidled up next to him at the bar with a leering grin.

"Whore," she said.

"Tramp," he replied.




Aaron polished off his Campari and soda. "You can't just throw in nonsense words like 'burrito' Madeline. We were in the middle of a run."

"I can do whatever I want!" She sort of swayed as if the stool had been let loose on the sea.

"Madeline," he said softly and slowly as he picked his hat off the bar and left a couple dollars for a tip. "Always a pleasure."

"Sandy," Madeline said, slowly spinning. "You can't just walk out of a drive-in!"

Aaron had always hated that movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you for the short stories

off subject but...

i drove over the "freeway to heaven" yesterday evening at sunset, hauling the final load of my belongings in the bed of the truck
carl perkins on the radio, cigarette in my left hand, i savored each drag, summoning pieces of moments from a year and a half spent on Pontius & Mercer
red, pink, and orange filled the sky above
while poetically somber memories filled my head
change is good, i told myself
as the bridge crested disappointingly, making it apparent i could not drive off into the horizon
something caught my eye on the car ahead
a personalized license plate
SUNSET it spelled
one more drag
one half chuckle
one half smile and nod
laying things to rest and starting fresh
once again
poetically somber