Monday, September 11, 2006

Sleepwalking (?)

Here's somethin' awesome, I was so tired (and probably a little drunk, let's be honest) that I awoke in a room in my apartment that I shouldn't have.

Yeah, it's happened before, but this time I was so confused and out of it that I was inventing a story line that did not exist. When I first awoke, I could only think , "man I'm cold". I tried to feel around for a blanket that didn't exist and figured I better open my eyes. I was on the couch in nothing but my underwear, a cat curled up on my arm and the main menu of the DVD I was watching at 2 AM cycling over and over.

Without hesitation I tried to recall when I had gotten out of bed to come watch a movie on the couch. I was positive I had been cozy in my large bed with yet another cat curled up next to me. I was recalling getting up, apologizing to the cat for disturbing her sleep and walking into the living room to lay on the couch. I slowly realized with dismay that this had never happened.

I had sat down on the couch to watch The Simpsons and eat the sandwich to help soak up some alcohol, and I passed the fuck out right there with whisky fumes evaporating from my open and snoring mouth. I couldn't fathom why my brain was trying to trick me into being so sure that I had started out in my bed and wandered elsewhere, it wasn't like this sort of thing hadn't happened before.

I'm tired and out of it, I'm guessing that's why. As I mentioned before I had spent approximately 21 hours of my Saturday and Sunday inside of a dark theater preparing for the opening of the show this Friday. While it was productive, while I had a delirious blast doing something that I absolutely love, there's not a lot of interesting tidbits to write about.

After Saturday's 10 hours we went to the bar and had a few. It was a good and low key time talking about shit with some very funny and talented people. And I mean seriously talking about shit; I've got some good stories to share for a time when you're not eating... Plus I was getting some pretty serious ego stroking from folks in regard to the work I was doing in the show, which honestly never feels bad.

So, to go all Latin on your ass, I'm throwing out a bit of a mea culpa; I'm in dress rehearsals all week so I plan on being worn out and with not a lot of fresh ideas to post on the ol' site here. Please forgive me if things get a little weird. And if you find yourself in the greater Seattle area on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday night between September 15th and October 21st come see a show. I think it's gonna be somethin' awesome.


Anonymous said...

billy billy! what time does the show start? and would you prefer my attendance on opening night or the night after o.n.?


mandy said...

did you also wonder why you were covered in lemon pledge and your jaw hurt?

i may have answers...