Friday, February 16, 2007

In Dreams

I'm pretty dang tired. So tired in fact, that the first thing I thought when I read the headline, "Florida teen has hiccups for three weeks, no cure has helped yet", I thought to myself, well that's nothing a good fisting won't take care of.

I had some really vivid dreams last night, I believe because of the tiredness that I mentioned above. Seriously you guys, I just wrote about it... I had dreams that I file into specific series as they seem to contain common threads. I had a sex dream, most of which get filed under either Sex (Coitus Interruptus) or Sex (Disturbing) and one in the Travel series.

Most of my sex dreams in the past were very disturbing affairs, scenes that would make David Lynch go, "holy crap, that ain't right". And if they weren't disturbing, they were cut short. Things would start to get really interesting, but before I could do the deed, I would need to go clean my closet out, or talk to my neighbor about a mix up with the mail, or check to see if I had left the Scrabble board out on the kitchen table. By the time I returned from these menial tasks, the shot at getting some was well over with.

Well last night's specimen was a good one with my wife (which I find sweet somehow), things getting really good, when I decided I needed to go to the bathroom first. I actually woke up at this point, but in the seriously groggy state I believed that I had come back from the bathroom and was really pissed that Bif had gone to sleep already. It took a moment to realize that I had dreamed the entire pre-coital affair, and while I was dealing with the disappointment, I fell right back asleep.

The Travel series of dreams are always about being in a foreign place, but something jamming a wrench into plans. They're always stressful affairs where I'm trying to catch up with friends and relatives in some other country but I can't find my tickets, or there's no more room on the train, or the elephant I'm riding suddenly develops explosive diarrhea - which on this elephant comes out the size of smallish watermelons...

The Travel dream last night was definitely heading down that road. Things were going good, Bif and I were in some city that was a mix of Amsterdam and Salzburg, sometimes with my dad, sometimes with Nikki 2 K's. I would begin to worry about the baby, but would check him and everything would be fine. While checking on the baby, I would lose track of my traveling companions, but with a little exploration I found them. Dad's favorite restaurant (or it may have been Nikki 2 K's favorite) was seemingly closed down, but with my in depth investigation (which simply involved me saying the word "strasse" to an annoyed looking hotel clerk) I found that we were simply looking in the wrong place.

I see the subtle shifts in the Travel dream as hopeful, as my psyche letting me know that I don't need to get worked up about the little things, just let it ride a little bit and things will generally be okay. Realizing that as I looked down the steep hill towards downtown and a pale blue Puget Sound this morning made me feel pretty good there for awhile.

Now, if I could just do something about those Driving (Steep Hill) dreams.


Unknown said...

Billy? I don't think the reaction "That's nothing that a good fisting won't take care of" is necessarily a sign of fatigue. That seems more par for the course with you.

Last night we watched "Cool Runnings" and I spent the whole night dreaming about Jamacian bobsledders. Seriously, dude. I much rather would have been partaking in your sex and/or travel dreams.

Billy Badgley said...

I want to ask why the hell you would be watching Cool Runnings, but my immediate fantasies of you guys being held hostage by a group of John Candy fanatics probably beats the truth...

Unknown said...

That's exactly what happened.