Without much thought behind this whatsoever, here's a list of 5 great films about love:
5) Manhattan - A little weird now knowing Woody's true life predilection for young girls, but Mariel Hemingway has that perfect sort of sexy innocence. There's also the blatant love affair of the man with the city of New York, which looks gorgeous in all of that black and white. The scene where Tracy calls to remind him to watch Grande Illusion on TV makes me smile a bittersweet smile, and the whole ending scene breaks my heart in the best way.
4) Say Anything - I haven't watched it in years, but it came to me at the right time and under the right circumstances. Ironically enough, the woman who recommended the movie to me, also left me hanging when her father entered the picture. The movie will probably seem sappy on viewing it again, but that scene of John Cusack holding up a stereo over his head to play In Your Eyes has become iconic for a reason.
3) Tron - Jeff Bridges involved in a bizarre love triangle that keeps on keeping on in the computer realm when he's digitized, pulled into the computer and encounters the look alike programs of the two other sides of said triangle. I'm sort of kidding, Tron is not a great love movie, not really a great anything, but for some reason it holds a campy little place in my heart. As an apology, I offer you:
3b) Miller's Crossing - The love here is not between the main man and the main woman. One of the sharpest, most amazing scripts written that just crackles in the deft hands of the actors.
2) Shaun of the Dead - The tagline for the movie is "A romantic comedy, with zombies", and this could not be any more true and to the point. It’s a great, funny, horrifying and ultimately very touching movie. Again the obvious love between main man and main woman almost takes a backseat to the love between two friends.
1) Red - The third movie in Krystof Kieslowski's Three Colors Trilogy is absolutely one of my favorite films of all time. An unlikely and redemptive relationship is formed, and it seems to be messing with the space/time continuum a bit as well. Irene Jacobs is absolutely beautiful and the movie generates so many emotions in me that it actually emulates the feeling of being in love. Plus the main character's name is Valentine.
Confidential to Bif: Thanks for being my Valentine once again, I have crazy, mad love for you.
Confidential to Billy:
Red always hold a soft place in my heart too.
It was on our first date/weekend where we actually made it out of bed and put our clothes on to see Belly, go to the MOMA and see Red at some small little arthouse. I knew that you were the boy for me and you still are.
I am a little disappointed that JAWS is not on there.
Yeah, I thought of the love a mechanical shark has for biting things, but...
Wow... Beth, sounds like you were super easy!
duh, KC!
yeah...so very easy
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