Aside from the usual first time in front of a "crowd" nervous dropping of lines crap, we also had an issue with the lights suddenly not working. I have to give it up to this cast, we went through it without blinking an eye, like professionals, only to meet in the green room to commiserate and reassure each other that we weren't in fact having a stroke, the lights just weren't working. We worked the show with style and with class and we got a good amount of laughs even with the cast doubling the audience members.
We open tonight:

If you find yourself in Seattle with not so great plans on a Friday or Saturday at 11, come and check it out. It's an hour and a half of inappropriate soap opera parody. There's a bar in the theater, and you can come watch me actorate all over the audience in a fury of lust and over the top hysterics.
I'm feeling good about the show, the cast is great to work with and Linda the director was giving some high praise last night. Granted, it's her job to prod us along, but when someone tells you that you're awesome, it's a little tough not to feel like King Golden Dick of Awesometown.
And so I leave you all the last post of what seemed like a long March. Warmth is beginning to enter the world up here again. Those premature glamlicous cherry blossoms have shown and are already on their way, showering feathery little kisses with the wind. Everywhere you look there's those delicate green shoots coming from all of that dormant wood and dirt I've been looking at for months now, waiting for some sign. It all just makes you want to fuck, live, taste, kiss, sing, laugh and dance an energetic and completely spastic road ode to this crazy world, an ode to making it back around one more time.
Billy's movie recommendations for your slow weekend rest times - Stranger Than Fiction. Will Ferrell does a wonderfully restrained job, and just when I didn't think it was possible for me to love sweet Maggie Gyllenhaal any more...
Confidential to Gorgeous: Thanks for the “Tell Me Something Good” reminder the other day, I’m listening right now. That is some top shelf shiznit.