Prawn Crackers come in a colorful bag, are shaped like stale french fries, and are flavored like prawns; prawns that have apparently been left to die and rot under some less fresh prawns.
Now, it could be they're an acquired taste (why you would want to acquire it, I don't know), and if you're a fan I'm not bagging on you. I myself like things that people have been vocal about not liking; scotch, green olives, Oingo Boingo... But sweet lord, Prawn Crackers?
If walking through Fisherman's Wharf after a long day in 90 degree heat could be condensed down to a flavor, you have this particular snack treat.
And just while we're doling out advice here, I also recommend not suggesting to your boss and coworkers that you, "get all done up on ouzo, strip and cover each other with Band Aid brand adhesive bandages."
Let's just say, I really also cannot suggest actually getting all done up on Ouzo, stripping and covering yourself with Band Aid brand adhesive bandages.
Also, do not mess with ping pong players, even for fun. They will get 10 kinds of serious on your ass and flash you a grimace like their trying to crap a pumpkin. And those paddles sting...

Confidential to Nikki 2 K's: I hope you're feeling okay after the tonsillectomy. God speed you, you glorious bastard.
I'll have you know that whenever I'd visit Grandma's in San Francisco, right around Clement and Geary, we'd always have to stop at one of the many little stores (you know, the ones that always give you those hideous pink, environmentally-unfriendly plastic bags?) and get wee-Gorgeous some prawn crackers. Because, well you know, I refused to eat REAL shrmip but the prawn crackers? They were okay.
Can we still be friends?
Sweetie, absolutely. But I would recommend eating real prawns to know what seafood should acutally taste like.
thanks for the concern billy, i'll be fine in a week or so. but contrary to our previous conversation, i've been eating cold adult baby food (in addition to massive amounts of ice cream and jello) for two days now. hey, pass this message on to Riley for me would ya?--cold pureed butternut squash & sweet potato soup is good shit. i start on solids tomorrow, but it will still be a while before i can have crunchy/sharp foods.
you should come over this weekend, lego general grievous is awesome. speaking of, i feel like i took a light saber to the throat.
Thank you for also trying the full Thanksgiving meal soda pack while we were in Seattle. Mmm...Prawn Crackers and Turkey Soda. Delish!
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