Monday, June 18, 2007

Gobo Comes A Calling

There's a whole mess of angry people out there, angry and sue happy people. I feel I'm doing a good job of letting it slide, of not taking their hatred on like some ratty and dirty hand-me-down coat made of razor wire. I'm doing my damndest to remember the good people out there.

People like Jen Jen the Panda Girl, taking the intrepid and wet journey up from Portland to visit this weekend. Bif and I did a little tag team dating with her on Saturday night, She and Bif going out to dinner while I watched over Riley, Me and Jen hitting a bar afterwards. I like to believe that I was the Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka in this scenario to Bif's "Rowdy" Roddy Piper.

There was a need to drag Jenny to the Rosebud as Terri (one of the best scene partners I've ever had the opportunity to work with) was visiting for the weekend from her sojourn in Alaska. This means that there is going to be a bar full of drunken actors, which means that I'm going to get caught up in that pulsing energy of drunken performers with only themselves for an audience.

I tried to keep an eye on Jenny, make sure that all was well, and she always seemed to have that gorgeous and somewhat shy Jenny smile while she sipped her whisky sour. But eventually even a small amount of bourbon on an empty stomach will do its damage, and I felt like I was an early 90's front man, suddenly I was crowd surfing and was just trying desperately not to kick someone in the face.

Oh, and as a side note, this drinking on an empty stomach nonsense, it's gotta stop. I felt like I was finished getting tattoos, but perhaps one more on my wrist, in block letters, that says, "Eat Before Drinking". The 2 slices from Hot Mamma's on the way home did nothing to ease the deserved pain that came with the morning of my first Father's Day.

So Jenny I apologize for not getting a ton of quality Cucaloris Twin time in. As well as for all the low moaning come Sunday morning. It was thrilling to hear you're almost done with the book, and just plain nice to have you in the place. I was hoping to get some time to talk about it, but I want to get writing with you but quick. I love you like crazy, thanks for coming up.

And everyone can quit worrying, after letting breakfast sit for awhile and a little nappy time, I was good as gold. We took Riley for a walk, went to the store, picked up the new Frank Black CD... All in all not a bad Father's Day.


Anonymous said...

I was going to make a daddy joke but you know how I feel about daddy jokes (especially where my own daddy is involved).

I just love you guys. It was a supreme honor getting to see you. And I love tag team dating so very much, I think I'm going to start offering my services to all the newly parented couples out there.

Note to newly parented couples: I totally put out.

Anonymous said...

holyfuckingshitman... your a DAD!

Happy effing FD man. Just remember, one glass of water for every two drinks.

mandy said...

i asked every server at magnolia if they knew you and beth.
one said probably.
i have some coasters for you.