Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Maybe It Was The Solstice

We went to see Dubh and Lisa get married last night. I’m not sure what happened exactly, I can only assume a combination of so many things, but I had this moment.

There was this fellow playing Spanish guitar and it sounded so nice. I listened to this combination of flurried runs and hard strummed chords that would never come through my fingers; it would never occur to me to play that way. There was a small child in one of the pews that was taking shifts crying and cooing. There was something in the combination of those sounds that soothed me to a degree I find hard to understand or explain.

I realized that I felt completely relaxed. I felt completely locked into a moment with both this wonderful guitar player and this child. I didn’t feel self conscious and it never entered my mind to worry about what other people might be thinking about me. And this is the important part: I didn’t question it, I just let that vibe roll on out.

I don’t know if it’s that I’m getting older, but I’m learning to quit trying so damned hard to figure everything out. I’ve realized that on those moments when you have managed to grab onto that stream that puts you as one with the universe, just smile and hold on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're just being emphatic!

Or grammatically incorrect...