I think because going to the movies was such a major event when I was a kid, the nearest theater was 30 minutes away, not only did I get my greasy popcorn and my carbonated sugar water, but I also got one of those mega-ginormous, movie size boxes of candy.
Even though I don’t really eat candy much anymore, when I think of movie snacks, it’s still there in the li’l Billy dictionary in the back of my head. Popcorn and candy… Typically Jujyfruits are the candy that pop to mind first.

I know that I often got Junior Mints, which I would probably have listed as my favorite candy as a kid if were pressed. And pressed hard… And I know that Red Vines and black licorice were often a movie staple, but Jujyfruit are defined as movie candy to me.
I might be that I never ate them anywhere but the movies. It might be that I equate getting that occasional magical lime flavor with those occasional movie moments that shock and surprise you. It might be that I’m enamored of the image of my seven year old self holding this odd, fruit-like shape up in a darkened theater, trying to catch enough projector light to tell which flavor it was…
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