If you have no idea what I'm talking about, 'My Two Dads' was a show which dealt with the trials and tribulations of a pre-teen girl being thrown into the whacky world of living with two adoptive fathers, only one of which is her biological parent. See, apparently her mother slept around a bit and when mom kicks the bucket, it gets disclosed that the girl's father not only doesn't know anything about his daughter, but it is one of two possible men. It is then deemed natural for these two cats, who don't really like each other, to live together (in a soundstage sized artist's loft) and raise this poor, grieving child.
That bitch was manipulating people from beyond the grave!
In a completely original move, the male characters (only one of which remember, is the biological father, but they don't know which one) are adversaries of sorts. One is a carefree artist, one is a tightass obsessed with finances. That is clever.
I shouldn't knock it too hard. According to comments I read while doing a little investigation, people who had a difficult adolescence, people who grew up in adoptive homes or with two homosexual fathers, were able to feel normal and accepted watching this show.
What? People looking to fucking sitcoms for lessons on living their lives? I've said it before and I'll say it again: I agree with David Bowie, I too am afraid of Americans.
One dad was played by Paul Reiser who went on to do Aliens and "Mad About You", and the other was played by none other than Greg "BJ and the Bear" Evigan.

Now that is a show that I can fucking get behind; "BJ and the Bear"! A guitar playing truck driver who cruises the country with his chimpanzee buddy Bear and gets under the skin of that testy Sheriff Lobo! Did you read what I just wrote?! For fuck's sake, where is the DVD boxset on this one?
we come to a head again.
i also loved- and i cannot emphasize that word enough- my two dads.
the judge, the coffee shop, that cool chair that looked like a car.
Mandy, Mandy... You're lucky you're adorable. I suppose you like Journey as well.
next time i see you, i'm gonna spank you!
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