There's some sort of air duct juncture right over my cubical, and on this is a sticker. The sticker is one of those universal pictogram type things for those who cannot read the English or French warnings that go along with the picture. This is good for visiting dignitaries from Java who come by my cubicle all the time.
The picture shows the black silhouette of a man touching a wire, and there's a bolt of white lightening, bigger than his head, coursing through his body. I cannot say why, but this makes me smile something fierce. That, and the exclamation: VOLTAGE HASARDEUX!

Which also reminds me of a story Erik said that he heard on NPR - it's apparently verifiable, but I cannot remember the host whose website you can find this on. A woman was at work, brushing her teeth in the restroom. She bent down to take in water from the tap in order to rinse her mouth out. At that exact moment, lightening struck the building went through the plumbing and into her. The woman had on shoes that kept the lightening from leaving that route, so it found the only other way out it could. Ready? The woman shot lightening out of her ass!
No shit, this is a super power that I want; to shoot lightening out of my ass. Voltage Hasardeux indeed.
The woman lived, paramedics helped her and explained to her what had happened, but I have to imagine the next few bathroom breaks had to be a bit of a chore.
Rocktober song of the day: It's another 2fer ladies and gentleman! White Girl by X, followed by 20th Century Boy by T. Rex.
the words urban legend come to mind
yeah, and "butthole sealed shut" also comes to mind.
Okay, granted, you cannot believe everything you read...,23599,20548077-13762,00.html
I'm totally buying rubber bathroom shoes!
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