Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Two States

A quick restatement of the state of me:

Justin Timberlake is so far below my caring radar that it actually gave me a pain in the side to type his name there. So in some sort of karmic irony, his face shows up every time I open a web page.

It can get amazingly frustrating when a baby's goin' through a growth spurt and cries so much that all the shaking in the world wont stop it.

I'm kidding, if you shake hard enough, the crying will eventually stop.

Re-watch Eyes Wide Shut; the performances don't get any better with hindsight, but our man Kubrick was saying some heavy shit about sexual politics once you get past the sensationalism.

Will Ferrell as Li'l Cletus in Zoolander... well sometimes it just makes life worth living.

No longer a fan of cream sauces, more because my mind has learned that my body will not like it than because they don't taste good.

Woke up with a mad desire for cabbage.

Sometimes I feel like I'm right on the verge of either learning a major truth, or of letting someone else in on one.

Casting call postings for zombie films make me smile a lot.

The term 'rogue' also makes me smile a lot, but not as in 'he's a roguish chap', but as in rogue wave or rogue shark. It especially makes me inwardly giggle when rogue is brought up in a business meeting ala, 'we have some rogue sales manager out there making these decision'. It makes me think of someone from the suit and tie set being exterminated with extreme prejudice.

Rebellion (Lies) by Arcade Fire still makes me jump with all of that banked teenage passion I was saving for just that song to come along, even when I haven't heard it in months.


Unknown said...

i just watched zoolander...i really think it's one of the best films ever made. ever.
"watch out! she's got an egg!"

Billy Badgley said...

"That's something you never like to see, beautiful people being bothered by ugly protestors."

Anonymous said...

My coworker dressed up as Lil' Cletus for Halloween and it was a genius costume. Let me see if I can find a photo...

Oh wait, that is actually Mugatu... Which I think is another Will Farrell character from the same movie...


(And in case you were wondering, I dressed up as a ficticious mexican wrestler named "El Nerdito" ... http://thelpsgroup.com/halloween2006/halloween2006-Pages/Image21.html)

Anonymous said...

That Hansel's so hot right now.

Unknown said...

Hansel. So hot right now.

Billy Badgley said...


Anonymous said...

Obey my dog!!!!!