Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Some Of These Days

Some people might say that if Bif and I were meant to be together and I had ended up living in the 1st Avenue house, we would have met anyway further on down the road; probably in San Francisco, maybe at the Tart to Tart on Irving. Some people are funny. Some people seem to think feeding chemical sugar substitutes to kids is a good idea - go ahead Chuckles, spread that shit on your grapefruit.

Some things that I'm not a fan of right now:
1) The amazing amount of sleep I did not get last night.
2) Being hailed on during my walk to work; that shit stings after awhile.
3) The complete lack of bears in the downtown area. I would like to see them wandering around from time to time. Not like Grizzlies or Kodiaks, not bears that effing take your head off, but some personable brown or black bears ambling along Second and James would be cool.

I was living 6 to a house in Mill Valley for a short while with some folks forcing this neo-hippie idea on themselves. I have no problem with hippies, but when you're forcing the lifestyle because it doesn't quite match your innate beliefs, well you're trying too hard. And trying too hard seems to fly in the face of all that being a hippie is, and that sort of makes you like one of those Escher optical illusions - impossibly twisted and makes me feel sort of nauseous when I look too long. But that is not the point at all. The folks in this house used a clear, glycerin based soap that smelled of ruby red grapefruit. I liked the soap, but after a couple of days I realized that something about the tangy smell of that grapefruit reminded me of B.O.

B.O. soap... yup, right next to the tuna flavored tooth paste.

It's gonna be a weird one today y'all...


Anonymous said...

Tuna fish in oil or water?

Unknown said...

i like bears.