1) The first movie that I ever saw was Bambi. I remember being really tickled by the skunk being mistakenly called Flower, and being crushed by the death of Bambi's mom. Oops, shoulda put a spoiler alert there... I remember being confused by the Bambi with antlers at the end and thinking that it was Bambi's deadbeat dad. Bambi bores the piss out of me now, but Jungle Book still rocks it.
2) Nikki 2 K's just handed me a sponge animal in a pill caplet without knowing that I freaking love these things. Once, solely to entertain kc!, I hatched a sponge dinosaur in my mouth. I repeated the trick for Nikki today.
3) The idea that Tylenol comes with laser drilled holes in their caplets to apparently let the medicine out better bothers me for some reason. It seems made up, it seems unnecessary, and it seems like a major waste of lasers.
4) When, in 7th grade, Cherity used Brenda to spread the news to me that she wanted to break up, I acted like it was no big deal, but it in fact broke my twelve year old heart. It also began my lifelong quest to make Brenda pay for the smug smile she had on her face when she approached me in the cafeteria. I'm getting closer Brenda! Do you hear me? Did I actually just write my plan down?
5) In the summer of 1984, my brother, my cousins and I snuck under the porch that my grandfather was building onto their house and each wrote the name of the person we were in love with at the time. The spooky thing is, we all ended up marrying the person whom we had written about; and mine was Abe Vigoda. The last sentence was a lie, none of us ended up with who we were in love with 23 years ago.
6) When I was a kid, I loved the movie Six Pack with Kenny Rogers, the chick from "Silver Spoons", and a bunch of child actors. I'm sure it's awful, but don't sully the memories.

7) When I was a wee baby, I almost drowned when a deck chair behaved like a catapult and threw your shrieking narrator head first into the drink. Thinking quickly, Grandpa leapt off the deck and fished me out. I was apparently smiling as if the whole thing were a game. Mom had spent the months before teaching me to hold my breath in a swimming pool much like this.
I am not going to tag anyone further, I'm taking my ball and going home.
i, too, love the capsule sponge animals.
i figured youd fill out the 7 random things. i also figured you wouldnt tag anyone else.
thank you for letting me hatch my dinosaur in your mouth...
Six Pack, huh!?
When is your birthday?
Wait-- we aren't married?
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