Thursday, May 31, 2007

First Shots Fired

I'm looking at it as the first line of demarcation in the age war. I had hoped that the day wouldn't come where I no longer understood the music that the kids were listening to, I didn’t want to start complaining about how the stores and restaurants are just too darn cold, I want to fight against he music being too loud.

But MySpace... I don't get it, I don't like it and it makes me feel a bit like a crotchety old man.

Honestly, I've already had the 'I don't get your music moment', I've been having them since I was about 13 actually. In seventh grade gym class, I would be doing my hurdler's stretches next to Travis, a mullet headed and sleepy lidded young man that will forever serve as my mental image of a stoner metal head, as he who would rave about the musical stylings of Motley Crue and their breakthrough album Shout At The Devil. I would politely smile and nod, hoping that he wouldn't decide to punch me in the arm or something, but inside I was screaming, "you cannot be serious."

I have continued to have disdain for what a lot of people listen to through the years. I'm unapologetically snobbish about music - while maintaining that I listen to some crap as well. But this has never been a generational thing, something where the style of music has shifted beyond my sensibilities, it's more that it bugs me that people will listen to whatever crap the promotional directors or reality television shows feed to them without even giving any thought to it.

But again, this MySpace thing... I understand how to use it, I have enough computer savvy to get that, I just get more annoyance out of it than joy. I only got on because Kelly Bean wouldn't stop bugging me about it, and now I honestly do feel like that old guy in chest high pants and a sweater vest yelling about how in my day people just emailed each other. I don't care about how many friends I have, I don't care about my profile, I don't care for high school acquaintances I haven't seen in 15 years searching me out.

I guess what I'm saying, good people, is that I give up. I had a spark burning in the back of my mind that one day I would understand what makes the other people stare at MySpace for what seems like an inappropriate amount of time, but now I must turn my back on it. I must admit that it wasn't falling out of my twenties, it wasn't the longer hangovers, it wasn't the jokes from younger friends, it wasn't having a child, it wasn't throwing out my back and then slipping and falling flat on my ass on a frozen road that made me feel old, it was MySpace.

Side Note: Today, we will be getting a new member to the world. Welcome Maxine, you've been blessed with an awesome mom. Enjoy the world, it's a blast.


Billy Badgley said...

kc!, you're a son of a bitch!

Anonymous said...

kc!'s my new myspace friend.

Anonymous said...

I love kc!'s music on myspace!

(plus, isn't he a sexy little dickens!)

Anonymous said...

Bill, don't hate the playah... hate the game!

OOh and thanks for the props, Bill's mom! I think you're hot stuff too! See you later... (wink)

mandy said...

i like that you quit myspace, and then changed your profile picture.

kc! is also MY new myspace friend.

i particularly enjoy jenny's surveys... mostly because she has enough sense to make them witty instead of answering simply "yes, no and maybe" i HATE those. thanks jenny :)

Anonymous said...

mandy, i'm glad we're myspace friends. if we can't have reality, we'll always have OURSPACE.

Billy Badgley said...

Get a room!

And tell me where it is.

Anonymous said...

Actually... the free online service that you all should sign up for is (i find myself going there MUCH more often then any of the other social networking places... well, and flickr too).

Anyhow, charts your listening habits, then connects you with other people AND local events based on your listening habits!!! You install this little app on your computer, then poof.

Check me out on

(also the best plugin to install for tracking music usage on the Mac is the iScrobbler located at: (get the 1.5 Test 4 version)), so ditch the one they give you and install iSrobbler instead.

Don't worry, if it sounds a little confusing. It is super dope and very very cool for us music-lovers. And you can always call me if you need assistance (or sexual healing). :)

Anonymous said...

ps. Mandy and Jenny... your hawt.