Friday, July 27, 2007

Welcome To The Pleasure Dome

Been feeling good about the theater work the last couple of days. We’re heading into hell week, which means we open next weekend, which means I’ll be spending approximately 6-10 hours both Saturday and Sunday in the theater, which means there will be nothing but rehearsals for the next six days until we have our preview.

But rehearsals the last two nights have been pretty great. There seems to be a renewed energy in the cast, director and stage manager and I feel like we made that sort of metaphysical leap that needs to occur at some point in the rehearsal process to make the show real. Backstage there’s been this calm and comfortable wave of just being together and talking and… It just feels good. I’m happy to be working with these people, happy to be doing this show.

So naturally, my mind goes to bonobos.

Bonobos, or pygmy chimpanzees, are the only other primates to have face to face, genital to genital sex. Girl on girl, boy on boy, girl/boy, you name it. Sex is important in their society for greetings, conflict resolution and post-conflict reconciliation. Hang on and think about this for a second… They use sex as a greeting. It’s gotta be tough to say hello with all kinds of dick in your mouth.

If my photo sharing site wasn’t down at the moment, below you would see a picture of two female bonobos bumpin’ fuzz and grinning like… Well, two monkeys grinding ginies.

The males also engage in front on genital sex. One way is to hang from trees and facing each other while they “penis fence.”

Penis fence.

I think that we have a lot to learn from bonobos, and a lot to learn from penis fencing. I will tell you right now that even if I didn’t do it out loud, if I were to penis fence, I’d be making light saber noises in my head.

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