Thursday, June 16, 2005

Creating Your Own Reality... Tom Kempf... Go!

Sort of running on a theme of talking about people this week…

The other day I had to do one of those sort of lame, let’s get to know you a little better by gathering useless information sort of exercises. I was asked to come up with 5 people I would like to gather in a room and what would we talk about. My discussion topic was, “Discuss creating your own reality”. I chose:

1. Ernest Hemingway – I’m not a big Hemingway fan, but for some reason he would not leave my mind when I was trying to come up with people. Sometimes you just gotta go with what you’re getting.
2. Luis Bunuel – Surrealist film maker – I’m a big fan. This guy fucked everything up in a great way and is almost single-handedly responsible for some of the more interesting directors working today.
3. John F. Kennedy – I’ve always sort of wondered if he’s considered great because he was a great man or if he’s considered great because he was a murdered man.
4. Cate Blanchett – I think that she’s an amazing actress, and beautiful of course, but I just get the feeling that it would be great to sit and talk with her. I have a feeling I would feel relaxed and that I would laugh a lot.
5. Tom Kempf – My best friend from Kindergarten and First Grade.

Tom Kempf… I lost track of him when I was 7 or 8, but he still holds such an important place in my mind and memories that it’s a little spooky. Tom was funny – not just 6 year old funny, my mom still talks about how funny he was.

While Tom was really friendly and we were very close, I think I could always sense a sort of dark streak in him, sort of a cloud of anger hanging just over the horizon. I feel like he would have become a seeker of negative knowledge – that he would have been the kind of angry kid in high school that distanced himself from everybody and held some sort of heaviness in his eyes that you may never understand completely. The sort of guy I would become frightened of a little bit.

This is all speculation of course, as I said I lost track of him when I was 8.

Memories of Tom that seem to be on that internal reshuffle are:

a)His mom asking the two of us what we would name our kids if we had sons; I said Tom and he said Billy, but neither of us could come up with a name for a daughter.

b)Sleeping in the pop top camper of his parents VW bus, spending most of the night reading Al Jaffee Mad Magazine books with a flashlight.

This all sort of falls in with my constant desire to reacquaint myself with my old grade school friends and my constant desire to squelch that constant desire as it’s probably a baaaad idea. I do hope that Tom’s doing all right out there. He was a great friend for those few years that we had together.


Anonymous said...

...and what sort of hilarity ensued in the exercise from your whacky list of characters and totally absurd thought topic?

Anonymous said...

People mostly just rolled their eyes. One pretentious type guy said, "Ah Luis Bunuel. Did you see Los Olvidados?" To which I wanted to reply, "Dude, I was a film major, get off my dick." But I just replied with a simple yes.

Heeeyy! What do you mean totally absurd thought topic?

Anonymous said...

Wait, which one was the pretentious type???

Anonymous said...

Damn! That's some cold shit, Anon

Anonymous said...

I was speaking from the point of view of one of your co-trainees...

Personally I would have wanted my topic to be "Discuss the global, socio-economic ramifications of thong underwear".

My five people would be:

1. Bill (that's you) - and not just because it is your blog, but I would really be interested in finding out what sort of funny faces and off-handed remoarks you would make while everyone else tried to be serious.

2. Tyra Banks - given that she is now the official spokemodel for supermodels everywhere--as well as her obvious ties to Victoria Secret.

3. Sisqo - That is guy who sang the thong song...

4. Gene Simmons - I bet that guy has some stories.

5. Issey Miyake - A very progressive, inspired, japanese fashion designer.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I feel bad for Sisqo, mostly 'cause he's missing the 'U' in his name.

Not often, but sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Film school+ Bunuel=pretentious type.
sorry, but its true.
I still love you

Anonymous said...

Yeah? Well I can do math too!

Anonymous Posting + Bitchy Comment = Dirty Whore.

You can't hide, I know who you are!

Kisses for you when I get home though...

Anonymous said...

and a strap-on for you, when I get home.

Anonymous said...

Hott. <--- 2 t's, hott.

Anonymous said...

Hey....who's putting iligit postings under my cleaver "anon" psydonim? (?)
(I do not own a strap on)

Anonymous said...

Nevermind the strap-on, the bigger question is: Why has no-one snarkily commented on my obviously-asking-for-it list of 5 people and 1 question!