Monday, September 19, 2005

White Trash-tastic

So around 7 or 7:30 in the morning on Saturday, in this sort of bleak zone between Fremont and Ballard, we stopped at a Shell station to get some Gatorade. The woman in line ahead of us was picking up her 22 oz bottle of Bacardi Raz and a lottery ticket.

Bacardi Raz is a “malternative” malt beverage with the refreshing flavor of raspberry. Nothing about this woman spoke of refreshing, though she did seem a little malternative.

Now, I don’t want to judge this lady – that’s a lie, that’s actually all I want to do. I hope she didn’t have kids, but if she does I’m sure after pouring them a sugariffic bowl of generic cereal for breakfast, she told them to keep it down during mommy’s rest time where she retired to her room to scratch away her hopes of a fortune and guzzle a bottle.

I have no problem with tying one on at 7 in the morning, seriously, no problem at all. But do it with style and class, not with a bitch pop. Get drunk with whiskey. Tequila makes for a great breakfast beverage. If you are of the classy elder lady variety, or theatrically gay or British, go for gin. But stay away from the Smirnoff Ice, the wine coolers, for the love of god stay away from the Bacardi Raz.

And lotto tickets should really be saved for after 5 pm. C’mon.

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