Friday, November 11, 2005

Episode 7: Commentary

Seth Tavola (Writer): “This one was actually originally titled, Sky Dog versus Captain Obvious and was about Stephanie coming to terms with her brother being gay.

Marianne Marlow (Stephanie): “What happened with that story?”

ST: “Billy thought it was too cliché and wanted to do a story where he accidentally mails a naughty letter somewhere inappropriate and has to find a way to get it back. That and he wanted gang bangers, not like bloods and crips though… like a… gang bang.”

MM: “He was drinking a lot back then.”

ST: “Yeah, constantly. In fact we changed the title of this one to Drinky McDrunk Takes on the World.”

MM: “Okay, now I remember this scene took about 15 different takes because Michael, who played Derek in the show, kept making this face every time he said, ‘cunnilingus’ and we’d all break! There was…”

ST: “Hey Marianne, I’ve been dying to ask you something. I had heard that you… after the series died… that you went into making industrial films.”

MM: “Yes Seth, I made one.”

ST: “And I kinda heard that one of the people involved died on the set.”

MM: “And where exactly did you hear that?”

ST: “I read it on some fan’s blog.”

MM: “Jesus. You can’t believe anything you read online!”

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