Monday, November 14, 2005

Music, Sweet Music

I have this CD lens cleaner that opens with this music, this awful cheesy music. That music is so cheesy, it's like cheddar. It's like colby, swiss and cheddar, blended all together. It's like melted Velveeta spread over a brick of monterey jack.

You get the point.

So, I was listening to this travesty of smooth jazz (which in and of itself is a travesty of regular jazz) that opens the disc before a pleasant sounding man congratulates me on purchasing the most advanced CD lens cleaner on the market. Which is essentially a little brush glued to a CD.

But I got to thinking that somebody wrote that god awful music for this CD lens cleaner. I mean they got paid to knock off this random tune, again, for a CD lens cleaner. And I got to feeling for the poor sax player, who I'm sure had dreams of being a musician that performs music that stirs the souls of others, that speaks in magic and births moments of absolute brilliance. But this sax player is butchering music to be ignored while some twit cleans their CD player.

Sure you say, the guy's getting paid to be a musician. And it's not like a lot of big bands are using sax in their music anymore; I mean Pink Floyd isn't touring right now... But it reinforced the idea that there are jobs out there to be had that had never occurred to me needed to be filled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All CDs should clean the lens automatically.