There’s this person I know who ends up upset and out of sorts because they expect life to just sort of sit still, to just sort of reach this moment of sameness and stay there. I think that we all do this to a degree. The idea that life and the world is an endlessly changing and evolving experience can be a little daunting and uncomfortable. And so we set up routines so we have the illusion of sameness - so that no matter what happens I know I will get up, brush my teeth and head off to work just like I did the day before.
This painted humanity in general in not so pretty a color, which made me feel frustrated. Apparently, this general feeling was cruising the airwaves down here on Utah Avenue South, because people in my row (people who can under normal circumstances withstand the wildly inappropriate things that I will eventually say) were not having it. My co-workers, my partners in crime, were in shitty moods and that pushed me over the edge and into crappy mood mode.
So what does one do to “Shake the Crappy”, as the kids are saying these days? Well if one is me, one prints up this picture:

And then one cuts out each guy individually and makes finger puppets out of them. To up the “shaking the crappy” quotient, paste a monkey head on the guy with the “I”.
I’m totally not kidding…
I actually read your entire post with a giant, invisible, question mark symbol over my head until the last line which turned it into a giant, invisible, exclamation point.
The thought of you running around the office, from cubicle to cubicle trying to un-disgruntle your fellow co-workers, after inevitably grouching them out by wiggling three naked finger-puppet men on your fingers makes me break out into uncontrolled fits of laughter--and as a by product it also forced me to write horrible run-on sentences as well.
All grammar aside, that last post meant to have a comma--or better yet an em-dash--between "grouching them out" and "wiggling three naked" so that the end result is you wiggling three naked's to counteract the inevitable grounching them out's that said Billy caused in the first place. It was not meant however that you grouched them out BY said wiggling.
Comma's be damned. Long live the semi-colon!
I see you doing this, with a bullhorn (which you don't mention but in my mind you carry it everywhere yelling "HI" at strangers with it) and your eyes wide with glee at the horror, amusement, terror and eventual laughter, grins and sighs of relief at your completely odd and inappropriate actions in the face of all y'alls group of grouch.
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