As kc! pointed out, yesterday was 4/20. Did I celebrate this wondrous date by going home to poke smot? Smoke some trees? Imbibe in the herb? No, I made meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I sort of half watched an episode of CSI I had already seen and played guitar with my echo peddle on. This made me feel a little stoned.
I have been told in the past that the number 420 comes from the number of chemical properties in weed. I was also told that it was a highway that went through Humboldt, CA. Apparently, the beginnings of 420 as a drug reference began in 1971 by high school students in San Mateo, CA to denote a time to meet and smoke. Frankly, I think this is bullshit answer as well. It was my wet dream in high school to get some new word or phrase into the general language - and I achieved this with, "talk to the hand".
I quit smoking pot quite awhile ago. However, I have helped in the trimming of plants during harvest fairly recently. What did I learn from this experience? I leaned that resin is very difficult to get off of your hands but that you can roll up resin balls to smoke. I learned that just handling a massive amount of buds can get you a little stony. I learned that when trimming, I could probably go a little shorter. I learned that even when Fleetwood Mac was a blues band, they still sucked.
The experience reinforced the thought for me that the romanticism of the drug culture just seems like more advertised rebellion sold to those eager for something to identify themselves with, eager for something to fight for without having to put much thought into it.
I enjoyed my halcyon drug days, had me some heavy good times, but I've seen too many casualties, too many addicts, too many users oblivious to their own addiction for the drug thing to be as charming or light as I had once thought of it. Then again, I drink enough whiskey to kill a lesser man...
Friday, April 21, 2006
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haha-- fleetwood mac.
it's true man. every word of it the truth.
i was told that 4:20 was because four times five was 20 and five is the number of leaves on most weed strains. when i asked where the four came from the fuckin stoner just stared blankly at me as though he didn't understand...
meanwhile i rolled a fat fat fat dirty south-style blunt last night and watched anime...
okay, dude "there own"? you're SO 420 right now.
i totally coined "ginormous" which I heard on tv the other night.
you, you make lovin' fun. you're all i wanna do cause you, you make lovin' fun.
Yesterday actually was National Lima Bean Respect day: them beans, Jebidiah.
i coined namey mcnamerson-
fill in with your choice of adjective, or name. an appropriate example would be in referencing said pot heads:
stoney mcstonerson
kc!, I can't respect lima beans. They're angry, angry beans meant for beaning people with, not consuming. Who's the guy that discovered lima beans and how did he decide that they should be boiled and served with butter to make them even more slippery and gross?
I'm so anti-lima bean. I spent many a night at the dinner table with my lima beans waiting to be eaten while everyone else got to watch Love Boat.
Dude-allude, I used to have to sit at the table pushing my string beans around the plate while mom and dad watched TV (may have been Love Boat, but I'm not sure). Taste of canned string beans made me gag.
Mandy - I was just wondering to myself the other day who started the blanky mcblankerson craze...
My mom used to put salt and pepper and butter on our canned string beans which helped a lot. Then I could smoosh them together with my mashed potatoes or rice and it was like they weren't even there.
Not so with lima beans though. Bastard lima beans!
Hey, Lima Beans need respect too!? Then again, let's all notice that it is not "enjoy eating lima beans because they are super yummy day". Apparently, they don't need to be eaten... just given respect.
And unfortunately, I don't think I actually started any real crazes. However, I am the reason Bill is writing this blog... and I am the reason Bill stuck a needle in his schnoz... and in fact, I am the reason that you are on the earth right now (it was hard to prevent, seeing such a torid affair between your mother and me!)
That accounts for something, doesn't it?
Are you all stoned or WHAT???
so,'re my dad? that totally explains my mother's fixation on billy! and her fixation on lima beans.
and yes, anonymous, we are all SO stoned.
Come to Daddy... and be sure to eat all your beans.
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