Friday, April 28, 2006

Light At The End of the Taco

It's been a weird week folks, sort of weary and melancholy, as is most likely evident by the last few postings. Bad energy, seriously. Days full of volatile air and bruised defense mechanisms.

I miss Hellby who would tell me quite matter-of-factly that the reasoning was some planet or other was in retrograde and that my moon was in Sagittarius, or my sun was in Virgo, or my penis was in Georgia. It certainly brushed away self responsibility from such foul days.

I still sort of feel like I'm treading on newly formed ice, complete with the sound of cracking that makes my stomach hurt, and that I could be plunged under again quite easily, but fuck all that, I'm gonna run for it.

I've realized that I've spent awhile looking for a good mole sauce in a variety of Mexican restaurants, and I had a good tasting one last night, but I'm thinking that I may not really like mole sauce all that much and maybe that's why I find it so difficult to find a good one.

Happy Arbor Day everyone! Go love yourself a tree!


mandy said...

um. you owe me $8.95 then.


Anonymous said...

1. oh billy. yesterday i was describing to a work friend about working in the financial district with my sweet friend bill and how we had this plan to sit in lawn chairs outside our building on breaks.

2. how are you, billy? go outside for ten minutes. vitamins FROM THE SUN!

3. if i'm not too bold in saying, mark your calendar for may 10, 11 and 12. my days may belong to a copywriting conference, but MY NIGHTS BELONG TO YOU, FRIEND.

Anonymous said...

Jenny, I'm gonna throw out a "oh hell yeah" all willy nilly!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there also talk of setting up a big potted tree next to those lawn chairs? And drinks with straws?

Anonymous said...

Vitamins don't come from sunshine when you live that far north. That is why god invented needles!

I say, get a tattoo!!