Saturday, June 24, 2006

Episode #3

Last night we opened up the show – Crescendo Falls, Episode 3 (The Hump Episode).
It is a soap opera parody. It’s a funny show. It’s a late night show, which means it starts at 11, and with the opening night party afterwards I didn’t get to sleep till close to 3. And then came to work at 6:30.

I am on my last reserve of energy right now, and am close to perpetrating some heinous act of bloody violence on my coworkers in the next row; something that involves a three hole punch and nail polish remover…

I’m proud to say that I may be growing up a little bit everybody. Last night I relegated myself to 2 beers (well two beers and a healthy swallow of scotch provided by one of my charming cast mates) knowing that I would be hating myself today if I indulged my typically wicked hunger for alcohol. And while I am not necessarily enjoying myself today, I am also not quelling the pressing urge to purge the meager items I have consumed into my paper recycling box.

This is better than I would have done for myself a couple of years ago. Hell, it’s better than I would have done a couple weeks ago. It will be short lived, I’m sure…

Anyway, I just wanted to throw out there that I have been amazingly lucky in my theater endeavors thus far and have been blessed with working with some fantastic and talented people. I’m honored to share a stage (for a few brief minutes) and dressing room with this group.

And now I must go Paleolithic on someone with office supplies. And then sleep – so much with the sleep.

Song Stuck In My Head Right Now: Insistor by Tapes 'N Tapes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alcohol is expensive.