Saturday, July 15, 2006

Losing My Religion

There's a been a lot of loose talk around me recently regarding religion. Loose, dirty talk. Loose, dirty, slutty talk about religion. And I'm sure it's just another example of the blue car phenomenon, but everywhere I turn, I'm running into people talking about it, my pleasure reading at the moment is even about Jesus.

Now, I'm not a church going man, much to the shame of my born again grandparents. I'm not a religious person, but I feel I'm a spiritual person. I also feel like I'm a walking cliche for even typing that out. I would like to thank my parents for having the foresight to not force us into a religion and allowing us to make up our own minds, but I'm pretty sure it was just laziness on their part to not give us any guidance in that direction.

I understand people's desire for religion; answers, validation, comfort, some sort of warm and chubby feeling about what happens when you die versus the bleak aspect that when you're done you're done. And I'm down for doing what you need to do to get by in this life, I just begin to feel my bile rise when people start to force their religious beliefs on others, or use them to justify hate.

And this sadly seems to happen to a large number of strongly religious people. I don't know what it is about becoming a devout follower of theological ideas that makes you suddenly feel you're better than every other dumb fucker on the planet.

Now I'm not a smart man (nor apparently am I righteous one), but I believe the tenants of most religions are to teach right and wrong and to teach you to love your fellow man; well if you're a man, not to literally love your fellow man, apparently there's some sort of qualifier to unconditional love.

P.S> Unconditional: Not conditional or limited; absolute, unqualified.

We all chose a church, even if it's not one of the tax exempt kinds. Some look for answers in politics, or science, or art, or drugs, or nature... I myself have received my lessons on right and wrong from a plethora of after school specials.

I'm kind of rambling here and don't have a big point to make. I don't have any answers, but with all of this recent religion discussion around me something struck me as certain on the walk home last night. I'm pretty sure that in the last moments of my life, I will see through imaginary eyes, myself walking. And everyone on the street, riding in buses, shopping, sitting at outdoor tables drinking beers and smoking, will be all the people I've known in my life, all glancing and smiling at me one final time as I walk past.

It seems bittersweet and nice.


Anonymous said...

I think you are on to something here:
The Grand Church of the After-School Special!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to discuss the warm & chubby feeling a bit more, say tonight, 7:30, my place...

Unknown said...

I'll actually be on a corner, in a leather vest and mini-skirt, swigging a bottle of whisky with a cigarette in my mouth and trying to get you to have just one more drink before you go. And I might be a little pissed.

Anonymous said...

Hey M,
Do you mind video taping while your at it?
Much abliged.

Unknown said...

Sure. But I thought you and the kid were gonna be there with me. In leather. With whips. Oh, maybe not the kid.