Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday the 13th, Part 16: Billy Rambles

Happy Friday the 13th everyone. I had some reservations about doing a show on a Friday the 13th, particularly with a 13 person cast, but the theater world is already filled with enough superstition. And not the good Stevie Wonder Superstition, but the annoying "don't call MacBeth 'MacBeth'" superstition.

And now, veering off that topic... As a teenager, I loved the Friday the 13th movies. And honestly, being a little older, a little wiser, a little more discerning towards what is a well made horror film and what is a hack slasher movie, I have to say I still have a fondness in my heart for the series. I love that the producers, looking to cash in on the sort of success that Halloween had a few years prior, found themselves another day that had sort of bad connotations associated with it and devised a "screenplay" that strung together the gory killings of horny teens.

Now I could go on about how these types of movies are an outlet. I could go on about the feminist angle of these films, how typical slasher/horror films were the start of, and are typically the few types of films still where the hero is a woman - defeating the evil without the help of a knight in shining armor. But I won't, I will just say - 90 minutes of bloody misuse of gardening implements. I'm down, I'm into it.

If I wasn't doing the show tonight, I would probably be at home with a bottle and some bad food and watching me parts 1-4 of the series.*

*Side note: I'm not a big fan of the entries that came in after Part 4 ("The Final Chapter"). Things became a little too much of a wink to the audience, like "hey, we know it's just a stupid slasher movie". Plus, once Jason became an unstoppable zombie killer it lost something to me. I think the deformed psycho cruising the woods is far more scary.

Yeah, like anyone cares...

Rocktober song of the day: You want 2 of 'em for good luck today? Yeah, you do! Cowboy Dan by Modest Mouse and then El Scorcho by Weezer.


mandy said...

would you be ever more hesitant if i said good luck tonight instead of break a leg?
im not, by the way, but im jsut asking.

Billy Badgley said...

Well while we're on it, I do have some performance superstitions that I've developed. I dislike it if people say good luck before an audition. I don't eat something large before a show. If I have to pee like within 1/2 an hour of starting, I will hold it.

And then for certain shows, specific habits begin to form (only listening to a certain album before a show).

I can't explain it, I'm not a very superstitious person...

Anonymous said...

you are a creature of habit though

Billy Badgley said...

True, I love me a good habit.

quel said...

Am I the only one who remembers the classic hideous film "Saturday the 14th"?


break some legs!

Billy Badgley said...

Wow! I had almost knocked Saturday the 14th out of my memory! Bad, truly bad, awful - yet I watched at least 10 times as a kid...