Again, trying to keep this from being all baby all the time - but a quick update:
Baby and mom are doing great. Biff's still recovering, but nursing like a champion
Riley is now pooping real poop.
Riley likes car rides, being sung to, long walks on the beach and rainy weekends at home with a book and a nice, jammy zin.
Oh and here's a picture (thanks to Mandy for the pictures):

Okay, back to the nonsense. Let's talk tacos!
When I was a kid, I loved me some tacos. It was part of my triumvirate of pizza, spaghetti and the above mentioned tacos. My mom made tacos with hamburger and an envelope of taco seasoning mix. Meat went into crispy taco shells with shredded cheddar and iceburg lettuce.
Oh and hey, do any of you remember Taco flavored Doritos? Dammit, they were good. Not very popular apparently, but good.
One time I went over to Kenny's house for play time and dinner. Here are some interesting things about Kenny:
Kenny wore thick, black framed glasses - the same sort that my dad wore when he was in Vietnam.
Kenny was extremely smart, which unfortunately made him fairly unpopular with the general public.
Kenny had one of those boxes of little drawers that guys usually use to keep their screws and nails separated, but his was filled with little plastic guns from the original run of Star Wars action figures. He had apparently written to Kenner about a lost light saber or something, and they sent him this arsenal.
Kenny's mom, who wore the same kind of glasses that he did, made tacos for dinner. Shit yes! Tacos dude, I love tacos. How many did I want, she asked. I will take three of them Kenny's mom.
Problem. I don't know what Kenny's mom did to the tacos she made but they tasted like poop; spicy, sort of vaguely sweet poop. It took all my will to finish the first one, and I could not bring myself to get into the others. If I remember correctly, Kenny's mom really sort of let me have it for not eating the other tacos that I requested.
Lesson learned with this experience: If someone you're not used to is making you tacos - start out with one as a tester.
do i hear a taco party being called for?
Oh hell yes!
in the ny times yesterday they described taco bell:
"which serves burritos, quesadillas and other Mexican specialties"
...I'm assuming tacos is one of the specialities....maybe that's where Kenny's mom got her taco recipe.
Cute baby, by the way. And your wife's still HOT!
i secretly love taco bell.
Comment on the baby or the tacos?
I unsecretly love Taco Bell. Actually, I think my Taco Bell habit has permanantly altered my body chemistry to a point where when I get sick, I actually NEED some soft taco supremes to help me heal. I always get a craving and they always do the trick.
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