This may not tell you anything about Stephen, but the first time we shared words was when I walked into the audio room and in response to someone else's comment, I quoted Pee Wee's Big Adventure. "There are thousands of uses for corn, all of which I'm going to tell you about right now," said I. Stephen quickly spun in his chair and said, "how much do I love you right now?" I looked at him questioningly for a second and stammered, "I don't know".
Anyway, Stephen sent me this picture:

I am sort of jealous of this young man's full, bushy hair. I am sort of jealous of his slim physique. I'm even vaguely jealous of his apparent self confidence and the unlit cigarette in his hand. But I am not jealous of the sheep.
As many know, I have this same sheep. It makes a sheep sound if you apply pressure to the nose area.
I once wore said sheep to a party at Hellby's. The party degenerated, as they usually did, to nudity and abuse. I may be mixing up the abuser here, but if I remember correctly, Dougie P was whipping my sheep with a riding crop in order to make it "baah". And when I put a stop to it, as the whistling arc of a leather riding crop was striking my barely covered penis, Mercedes derided me as being a baby.
People in other states began calling me sheep boy.
It's been quite some time since I have slipped on the sheep, but it now sits in my desk, googly eyes and all. If you are a little rough in opening the top, center drawer you will occasionally be rewarded with that "baah".
Thank you Stephen. Oh the memories.
is the sheep MEANT to be a loincloth? or are you and the guy pictured riding the same mental train to indecent exposure-ville?
I was trying to make YOU "baah".
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