Thursday, December 28, 2006

Nothing More Than Feelings

It's pretty much a given, almost ridiculously so, that I'm not crazy about my job. My dislike stems from a variety of reasons, none of them interesting or novel. So instead of sitting here beneath the buzzing fluorescents and the odd grinding noise coming from the "voltage hasardeux" ducts above my head and stewing in contagious anger, I want to think about things that I do like.

I like beer and tots.
I like folks that make a point of spending time with me.
I like that Bif, with limited time and ability, went out and got me gifts.
I like that there's 3 discs of Tom Waits waiting for me at home that I haven't heard.
I like that Nikki got me cookbooks.
I like that I don't associate with anyone who would question my manhood for being excited about the cookbooks.
I like big butts, and I cannot lie.
I like that Jason and Mandy came straight from the airport.
I like a layered shot of Kahlua, Bailey's and Rumplemintz.
I would like a good name for that shot.
I like that despite an overwhelming aversion to peppermint, Jason drank 'em.
I like that the first few times she had said shots, Mandy had to plug her nose. Now she requests 'em.
I like that for the moment I'm waltzing around that anger and not playing in it.
I like feeling excited about getting home to see Riley.

1 comment:

mandy said...

i think you should appropriately name the shot "YOUR MOM"

"hey billy, will you make me your mom?"

"mmm, i would love a taste of your mom!"

too obvious?

the birthday was fun and even better that it was spontaneous.