Friday, December 08, 2006

Second Best Laid

Oh yeah, I also wanted to start a religion.

Something nice and new, something inclusive. Something based on a philosophy of self respect and being non-judgmental. Something that helped people to love themselves and taught that not only was sex not evil, it was a wonderful art-form and pretty damn cool. Something that didn't insidiously pay for politicians, but did attract enough followers that law makers had to keep us in mind. Something that felt like a natural extension of our life experience and not force pushing us into a mold.

But then I saw the tide turning.

People get greedy, people want more power. People not raised in a culture of moderation are bound to push it too far. People will still tend to unburden their responsibility onto others. People will still flock to a popular idea without individual thought.

And oh yeah, the backlash…

There would be splinter groups. There would be Billyanity Reformists, Billyanity Protestants. There would be an as yet unnamed Martin Luther, tacking his doctrine to the barroom door. There would be bloody crusades, with followers twisting my wonderful ideas to their own desires. There would be cult turf wars. There would be religious excuses to steal others' natural resources.

And sure, good or bad, I'd dig the tax exempt status - but all that paperwork would be a bitch.

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