Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Random McNally

It’s sort of strange, this duplicitous, almost schizophrenic behavior I’ve got going on. Part of me (and some people blame it on my Capricorn, but seriously, blow me) really likes order. I mean really likes it. I mean it’s almost fascist in its complete desire for pristine, fucking order.

Yeah, my CD and DVD collections are in alphabetical order, and though quite a few people who see this seem strangely affected by it, it’s not weird to me. How else are you going to find what you’re looking for? What is even weird to me is this desire to fold my freshly laundered underwear in a particular order, is the need to have the canned goods placed in the cupboard in a certain way, is the fact that the knives on the magnetic bar must face a certain way and be in a certain order. Not quite obsessive compulsive, but I can see their house from here…

And then, as if to balance it out, part of me has this huge desire for randomness.

But to be completely honest about it, part of me has this huge desire to thrust randomness at other people. I want to surprise, to shock and awe. I often think about the (again) random person who might come across this blog and just what the hell goes through their mind if they hit one of the particularly random posts.

I love that for the constant readers, most of the time you have no idea what you’re going to get; that I have no idea what you’re going to get until I sit down to write it.

So thank you for letting me get my random on, for putting up with it. I gotta go though, someone put Dead Man back on the shelf in front of Dead Alive.

Song Stuck In My Head Right Now: Ball and Biscuit by The White Stripes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your randomness is our daily structure.