Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Was the Litter Box Always on the Freeway?

I’m feeling scattered and just a little confrontational. Some of it could be that the cat, that stupid little rodent, kept me up all night with his running around and meowing and other ridiculous cat nonsense.

I’ve been having dark thoughts today of testing that cat vs. curiosity angle with tuna in electrical outlets and fake birds on very high and teetering planks…

But honestly, I’ve felt a little tired and out of sorts the last few days. Is it the winter? Is it the impending doom of family Thanksgiving dinner? I don’t know, leave me alone! You wanna fight?!

I’m sorry, I tried to warn you. That shirt really brings out your eyes by the way.

The problem mostly is that I feel myself getting insular, crawling up inside for comfort and protection. And this really hampers my mission of bringing a healthy dose of the random to my little corner of the corporate world. And I’m afraid it makes for a not so cohesive and rather boring post.

Hearing Red Red Meat on the headphones is sort of alleviating the problem, sort of. But honestly, until I am ready to either stand up and “shake the crappy” on out of here, or at least take a nap, I’m going to blame the frigging cat. And I’m gonna send this guy:

He’ll bust a cap in Brody’s ass, but good.


Anonymous said...

I have been waiting patiently all day for this post. Thank you for finally getting around to it. Sheeesh!

Oh and WTF!? Do you even read you email anymore? I sent you an honestly funny, purposely weird email about this awesome comedian who reminds me of you. I mean the guy actually looks a bit like you too, but his style of delivery and intersperced nervous laughing-at-himself is a dead ringer. In fact, I have set my TiVo to record everything this guy does just so that I can watch him and think about you.

Not in that way, though.


Well maybe just a little... ANyhow remember that awesome Thanksgiving you and I had on the Haight a few years back? Of course you do because I bring it up every damned year! Your woman was gone and mine was insane, so we set out to dine alone, but together. I had the Chicken Cordon Bleu and you had a serious helping of the giggles. MOST... MEMORABLE... THANKSGIVING... EVER.

Now respond to my email, you slutty whore.


Ps. Try having 5 (yes that is not a type-o... F-I-V-E) cats. Two of whom are in the [begin manly anoucer voice] Ultimate Feline Battle III [/end manly anouncer voice] right now. Cute and furry, yes... not so great at 3 a.m. when your bed becomes a cage-match (to-the-death) of hissing, spitting, claws, and growls.

Anonymous said...

Wow Sir Stalks-A-Lot, check your email, I will respond...


Anonymous said...

Baby got back, or what?... these days, the Internet is like, virtually instantaneous!? You need to stop puttin' 'em on da glass and speed up your fan-mail answering to get with the times, homeboy! I mean, I wrote you last week sometime and it has been so long that I figured you just switched email addresses and didn't tell anyone. THAT is how long you took, rumpshaker.

Anonymous said...

...oh and go eata Dick's! :P

Anonymous said...

Peep dem 'Mix-a-Lot references, boyee!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I hope rumpshaker sticks as a nickname! And no dis to my new home city or hood, but Dick's sucks ass by the way.

Anonymous said...

But I thought Dick's is the place where the cool hang out! (http://www.lyrics007.com/Sir%20Mix-A-Lot%20Lyrics/Posse%20On%20Broadway%20Lyrics.html)

Unknown said...

i'll fight you. you wanna fight? no, really, i don't wanna fight. i did wanna tell you that i had a hurricane the other night at pj's. they don't have hand grenades though. but they weren't like the real hurricanes from pat o'reillys - they looked more like sex on the beach or a fuzzy navel or some other fufu drink.
by the way, fuck your cat, man. is that the one that likes to sport the tube sock neckwear?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Brody's a fucking fashion slave. And if I could fuck him I would, but he runs fast and plus we're out of Crisco.

Seriously dude-a-lude, lik-m-aid and everclear, we should try it!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I didn't knoew there was a pussy that could outrun you, billy. i guess anything's possible, though.

i'll start looking for lik-m-aid

Anonymous said...

Why do you think I like to run ....fast...

Anonymous said...

To look for lik-m-aid quickly?