We were talking about younger-ish guys who wear hats all the time to cover a balding spot. It's interesting too to note that the type of hat chosen to hide their thinning hair says a lot about said guy (other than they're embarrassed by their betraying hair):
Baseball cap: Sporty, everyguy-guy. Possibly frat, but may just have that attitude.
Knit cap: skater/feels they're indy ‘cause they don't wear the same type of hat as everyone else, when they actually wear the same sort of hat as a lot of people.
Fedora: Hopelessly out of date, possibly came in a time machine from the 30's.
Guys have the same stupid and vain misconceptions about their self worth that women do. When they begin losing their hair, or gain weight, or show any signs of aging (and yeah, this can be a change in attitude about something) they feel they are falling out of favor in society, falling further away from that GQ perfect male, and some younger dude with more muscles and hair is gonna swoop in and take away all of those women that should rightfully be theirs.
It reminds me of a discussion that quickly turned into a near fight where a young lady was bemoaning the societal expectations of the perfect woman's body that is constantly on display on magazines and movies and television. I acknowledged that this is a tremendous pressure on women, particularly impressionable young women, but if you don't eventually come to terms with yourself on your own, then blaming society's obsession with young and thin and pretty is just as pointless and full of self-serving brattiness as blaming your parents for your problems when you’re adult enough to deal with your problems on your own. And P.S., why didn’t this aggravation stop her from buying those magazines, buying those beauty products, watching those TV shows...
Yup, I'm losing my hair, have been since I was about 19. And yeah, it can be a fucking drag sometimes, especially when I covet that moppy, indy boy hair that I see at shows all the time. But as there's not a lot I can do about it, I've really pretty much made my peace with it; even when others see it as a weak spot and try to launch insults using that.
So I guess that while there are more role models for balding and/or older men out there in the world of inane magazines and media than there are for heavier ladies, sometimes we forget that some men fall for that perfect image bullshit that is sold to them just as hard.
As Kelly Bean was mentioning that no one mentions her in a blog, I would like to acknowledge her for having accidentally kicked me in the balls last night.
Also, a great, big Billy Cleans His Plate congratulations to Jen Jen the Panda Girl on her engagement. I’m ridiculously happy for you guys, so much smoochy love out to you.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
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what's missing on his head is made up for in the pant.
Yeah Me
i was going to comment that i really love billys hair- and wanted to make it known that this was not some vapid way of making him feel better because i really do love it in all its peach fuzz glory- but after biffys comment, i must say, i REALLY love his hair.
oh, and i also send a warm hearted-i met you once but couldnt be more excited-congratulations to jenny and michael as well. the blog made me openly cry at work... which actually happens more than you would think. but this cry meant more, i swear it.
thank you, billy!! i love you, man.
and thank you, mandy! hopefully we can have couples night (!!!) in seattle soon.
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