I'm trying to feel the love here people, but human beings keep getting in the way. I'm frustrated today and I don't know exactly why. What I do know, is that other people besides me are prying into that frustration with hot and infectious tools and that makes me want to do bad and violent things.
Feeling like
I'm sort of reminded of the days when I was on a lot of cortisone, days where I would snap if someone pulled the stop request on the bus too hard.
I had to put head phones on while I worked this morning because the sound of other peoples voices were making me want to punch a baby seal right in the face. And no magic combination of ipod choices would calm my happy ass down. All of the involuntary throat clearing and sighs of frustration... Too much, like shards of glass being forcefully rubbed into my flesh.
And then customers had to get involved. Seriously, say I'm at a bar and get a drink that I'm less than happy with, do I write a letter to the corporate headquarters of TGI McFuckFace? No I do not. Why? Because I'm a fucking adult and realize that there are bigger problems in the world. Just drink your overpriced coffee you brand-addled sheep! And while we're on the subject, if you do decide to send written communication to a company's headquarters, for the love of all that is sacred and holy, USE SPELLCHECK AND PROOFREAD. Do you expect someone to take you seriously if you cannot spell a two syllable word correctly? And the word 'whom', use it and you seem a little pretentious to me, use it incorrectly and you look like a friggin' hillbilly gettin' high and mighty on his there writin' machine. And for fuck's sake people - A LOT? TWO WORDS!
Okay, The Replacements are making me feel a little better.
Yeah, I'm gonna have me some Tots and PBR tonight - for sure y'all.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
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Shannon had the oddest experience at Starbuck's while in Hawaii... while we are telling drink stories.
It seems that not only do different stores charge different prices, but different people, at different times, in the SAME stores charge different prices. In fact it was so random, that she never paid the same price for the same large cup of plain coffee (this informal survey did not count the frapacinos or specialty drinks which are their own story completely). And not by cents either... there was up to a dollar difference between visits.
And she should know, because we were at Starbuck's coffee stores at least 2 times per day, every day.
at least its wednesday!
I think Shannon needs some beverage coupons for her inconvienenve. alot of them.
Good idea B. I agree that a plethora of beverage coupons just might soothe the pain and agony that we both have endured due to this tragic incident.
Send coupons and condolences to:
Shannon's Coffee Inconvenience
PO Box 720608, SJ, CA, 95172.
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